Apply for 482 Jobs Hospitality Jobs | TSS Recruitment

Jobs in Australia on 482 Visa

TSS Recruitment is always looking for well qualified and experienced Chefs, Hospitality staff and those in the Healthcare and Aged Care sectors for potential positions around Australia. Our team of Registered Migration Agents can assist you through the process of applying for the relevant visa to work in Australia.

Apply for 457 Visa Jobs

Complete this form and one of our recruitment team members will contact you via email.

Testimonials from Past Chefs

Chef Tommy

“I have travelled for many years. Vietnam is my home but now I can say that Australia is my country. TSS and The Pub Group have changed the lives of my family forever. My wife and children will now have access to everything we ever dreamed of”

Chef Parso

"The people here have been so friendly, the guys in the kitchen are amazing and I wouldn’t change a thing. It’s been a joyful ride so far.

This was the first time I had used TSS. I found them knowledgeable and very friendly. They were always there to answer my questions and their attention to detail is second to none"

Head Chef King

“I am really enjoying Australia. It has offered me everything I ever wanted. It’s given me a stable and peaceful life but more importantly, I now live in a country where I contribute to society and where my hard work is not only rewarded but valued.

The people around me treat me like an equal which is not what I am used to.”

Chef Chris

"I’d visited Australia several times when I was younger on family trips…I was really looking forward to coming over here.

I decided to continue with TSS because I believed there was a better opportunity for me here in Australia.

Every place, every country, anywhere that you go there would always be a little bit of cultural difference but to me personally its all about the attitude that you put towards it."

Apply for 457 Visa Jobs

Complete this form and one of our recruitment team members will contact you via email.